♥Here's my wish list: First one, I would create a heart changing love. Second one, I'll take yours and fill it all up. Third one, but I don’t need a lot of wishes cause I’ll be okay if I get one.
Yeah manzxz, today would be my blue-est period. I'm ultimate-ly dowwwwwn, for crying it out loud! DDD:
I'm being such a fool/idiot/sucker and what notzxz. Everytime i see my loved ones upset, i seriously have no idea how i can help them, but to watch them break down . The **** feeling of being helpless, is indescribable. And i'll worry and worry and worry... .
Then i'm praying hard, very hard for my daddy who's going to have his operation soon in March. Nothing, nothing is going to happen to daddy! & he would always be my superman who saves his girl's day.
And my studies is such a fucktard, why can't i just have the books burned and drink it up. I dreaded being in my class, really. I can't cope with it, please . I'm not a genius, i'm not a workaholic. I'm just an ordinary girl who needs __________ .
I really really really wish you......
It's time to grow up and stop being a crying baby, I know-i'm aware-i understand these. Everyday of my today life, i would be reminding myself to be strong . And do you know, it's really tiring to keep it so. Can't just anyone, anyone pull me out from here? I've been juggling with all these negatives, and my heart can't take it anymore. My life have been dedicated to all these troubles, and said to overcome all of them one by one. How meaningful/wonderful can it gets. Sometimes, i see no point in life. DDD:
But thanks aloooot to all my loved,always being there for me. Sorry to you guys, whom always have to tolerate my crazy mood swings and break downs . I'm going going going to find back my smile again, yo. 
Nevertheless, life have to go on. And so, i went to playy/ reward myself! ;D Ohh, and i've got new white havaianas from NUM. Omgg, hunkshunkshunks hawt ah hawt! ;DD But nahh, i think Macdonald is the cutest/nicest/hawtest thing on earth, yaye manzxz. And partner, you said you would reserve your fridays for me, i'll be crying if you dont. Have fun at cruise! [:
Would you be there to save my soul tonight,
Would you swear that your love is always true,
Would you say that you always be there, to kiss my pain away .